We are creating a future
that excites us.

Ako študenti vieme, čo nás posúva vpred. Spájame učenie. s technológiami, aby sme vytvorili svet plný možností.

As students, we know what pushes us forward. We combine learning with technology
to create a world full of possibilities.


High quality peer-to-peer online tutoring from students for students.


Interested in a lecture

at your school? Or are you curious about our activities?


High quality peer-to-peer online tutoring from students for students.


Interested in a lecture

at your school? Or are you curious about our activities?


Who are the we?

Students with a vision to change the world

We are a civic association composed of high school and university students who care about the fate of future generations. We believe that we can help Slovakia move forward.

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Contact Information

Šimon Janáček

Šimon Janáček

Project Manager

+421 910 333 504


Zuzana Jakubová

Zuzana Jakubová

PR manažér

+421 950 498 188


Alexandra Karvašová Kockáči

Saša Karvašová

Project Manager

+421 903 047 516


Email contact: kockaci@kockaci.com
IBAN: SK61 1100 0000 0029 4613 7920